Eschatology Video Commentaries

Do we interpret end-time prophesy literally or figuratively?

This is the fourth message in an end-times series by Dr. Sproul on the last days. Jesus’ prophecy of His return includes both literal predictions and apocalyptic language. How do we know when to understand the Scriptures literally or symbolically?

Eschatology Video Commentaries

Understanding the Olivet Discourse

Session transcript for the Olivet Discourse, Part 1.

Session transcript for the Olivet Discourse, Part 2.

This is the third message in the end-times series by Dr. Sproul on the last days. At the Mount of Olives, the disciples asked Jesus when He would return. In this message, R.C. Sproul considers Jesus’ surprising answer.


Amillennialism Video Commentaries

Biblical Millennialism (Amillennialism)

Pastor Wagner talks about what he refers to as biblical millennialism, otherwise known as amillennialism. The millennium is a figurative amount of time between the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ, where the saints live and reign with Christ as the new Testament local church on this earth in the kingdom of God. Millennialism, end times and the reign of Christ.